Here's a story of a girl,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little boy who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?







June 2008 July 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 October 2009 November 2009

Ponyo OST -
Sunday, November 30, 2008
9:38 PM

met uP wif ZhiyOng.. went singing today.. realised got 1 branCh at lOyang pOint.. niCe plc.. cOsy.. reasOnable priCe.. niCe.. =>

after dat, went collect my fOne.. dinner.. den went hOme... peaCeful dae..


Saturday, November 29, 2008
10:18 PM

ErM.. JuST FoR memOry, went VIVO last wk. bOught lOtsa CandieS & chOco.. lUv dem.. ooPps...haha...

went cycling tOdae.. sUnny dae.. hOpe to chaSe away de unhappi memOries.. destress...relaX.. kekez...
(p.s: thnx tO Chwee Kueh for aCCOmpany me dUring my sad n tOugh timez.. =D )

YA LAR.. my fOne spOil again... tOk halfway like fOne kena drOp in tOilet bOwl.. keep havin bUbblin sOunds.. haha...

after sendin fOne fOr servICe, went daisO... bOught a sweet little sChedUle bk.. gOtta write my 2009 resOlutionz in... kekez.. will gO baCk again cOz still gOt thingz tO bUy fOr sCh & wOrk.. =>

been tO afew mOvies lately.. REC COFFIN HIGH SCH MUSICAL MADAGASCAR II BEVERLY HILLS CHIWAWA.... heehee... happi..

p.s: dUnno y.. i nOe him earlier den u, y dOes he seems like liSten to u onli..
its ok, sinCe im sUppOse to intro u tO him anywae.. haha...

eh!! samsUng jUst sms me sae my fOne ready for cOLLeCtion.. wa seh.. sO faSt meh.. dUnno gOt cheCk prOperly or nOt.. haix.. gOtta make a trip dOwn tOmolo again.. @$#%^%&%%^%$@ =(


Thursday, November 27, 2008
4:41 PM

mayb i shLd jUst reSign.....

i used to lOve gOin work sO much...facin my frenz & colleagues...

feel drag tO gO wOrk nowadays....

im nOt a fren tO dem anymOre... feel sO alOne n helpless..

y dOes things tUrn out lidat... am i wrOng? wat did i dO wrOng?

shld i jUst let pple take me fOr granted?

if i dun feel happi cOmin tO work evryday..
mayb i shld jUst reSign n leave....

p.s: i need a crying shoulder, badly.. ='(


Friday, November 21, 2008
8:50 PM

dis incident happen few mOnths baCk.. thOugh been sO long bUt still felt affeCted sO much...

if U r readin dis, i wOuld reali wan u tO nOe hOw i feel... n oSo wish tO aSk u, r U affeCted by wat happen....

i dUnno if u knew y i reaCted sO big dis time roUnd.. uSually i will jUst brUsh it off or get over it when u fly me aerOplane... everytime when u break ur words.. i feel sO disappOinted.. mayb u dUn feel it at all ba...

i oways believed, i shn't 'ji jiao' wif u.. cOz u yOunger den me.. thOugh despite de faCt dat u oways tink u matUred den me... bUt watever u hv dOne, dO u reali tink i shldnt b angry?

everytime u promise me u will turn up.. but gradually, u din... from cOmin tO work... tO dOin worksheets.. den de last straw, meetin uP for ClavanCe's performance... yea.. mayb tO u no big deal.. but hOw wld u feel if u r ALONE sitting dere throUghout de whOle thing bcoz u oreadi promise de bOy.. yes, u might sae ' u sae u wan gO wat, not me' bUt u oreadi sae u goin le remember? on fRi u even ask me wat time n where to meet...

bUt u din tUrn up... bcOz u overslept... i call n call... sms n sms.... den... when u turn up during work, u din even apologize n explain... u jUst walk past me.. like a stRanger.. like nUttin happen... i even need to find out y u din turn up from anOther person..

thrU ur character, i gUess, u dun heck care ba... u dUn heCk care if u hUrt sOmeone feelings.. u dun heCk care if u disappOinted sOmeone... u dUn heCk caRe how pple feel...

right now, after thinkin thru de nights y oUr friendship bcOme like dis... dere is onli one cOnclusion...

the reason y i'm sO affeCted dat we are nOt talking, its bcOz, right from de start i treated u as a fren. a real friend. thOugh i noe at times mayb bcOz u cant find ur frenz sO u aSk me out tO gO ktv or watever... n de faCt dat u r nOt affeCted it's bcOz, u never treat me as ur fren.. right from de start...

even when i tried helpin u get baCk tO work... even when at times i try tO help u financially thOugh i oSo beri 'dry'... even when i tried to get u & ur mUm to talk to each other by cOokin de diShes... even when helpin u tO hide truth & nearly get myself a stUpid 'warning letter'.... everything i did for a fren, even my frenz sae i did too much for a fren, not to say a colleague... u dUn appreciate... dUn make me feel regret helpin u, can?

reali miss de dayz when we spend our salary tOgether.. sing together... bUt i gUes all dis will be bUried into my memOries... dUn think u will cOme across tO read dis ba... from nOw on, i will jUst cOncentrate tO dO my own wOrk.. wUn even tink bOut anytink elSe le...

gOOdbYe my fRen,
take caRe


Monday, November 17, 2008
5:34 PM

brought Li Yi to eaSt cOast yesterday... she's sO happi! hmmm... will bring her oUt mOre often.. since her dad oways sO bUsy n tiRed...

met up with 'Chwee kUeh" after de sand play... went maC fOr late lUnch... den send Li Yi hOme... den he send me hOme too...

he iS sO gOOd tO me nOwadays... oways cOme all de way dOwn from hiS plC tO de eaSt side... n den send me back... dUnno y... haha..
